Tuesday, January 26, 2010

30-30 Ammo For Sale .30-30 Rifle Caliber Question?

.30-30 rifle caliber question? - 30-30 ammo for sale

I feel stupid asking this ...

I have a .30-30 rifle. I know that this weapon is also known as, 30 Winchester Center Fire. I am familiar with the ammunition, and as it seems. However, I am ordering from some online puzzle.

I plan to get online some ammunition. Some manufacturers refer to the list, not yours .30-30 ammunition. However, I see, not 300 Winchester (also)-Winchester brand ammunition. It is a different caliber .30-30, or do you?

I am familiar with, 300 Winchester Magnum and .300 Savage, but these lists are also clear, 300 Winchester, and sizes.

Am I missing something? .30-30 Is one of the most popular deer cartridges, but when I am online (especially www.cheaperthandirt.com) options seem limited. I think all the major production would .30-30 ammunition.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

The pages you visit, is probably no ammunition .30-30 Winchester. Although popular with some hunters, is not "out" bullet because of relatively slow and limited design (until recently was a flat or round nose).

You're right, offer all the major manufacturers .30-30 ammunition. The stranger, it used to be known as the 7.62x51 R () *. Federal, Remington and Winchester .30-30 ammunition loaded. Try to find out specifically for the .30-30 and with Cheaper Than Dirt. Or go to the academy or local construction market and demand. While you wonder around the threshold of a new polymer Hornady, especially for ammunition lever-action/revolution lever rifles, carbines, no feeding tube. With the needle through an ultra-Nice, stainless steel, this modern .30-30 ammo can breathe new life into a round decent human being.

Good luck.


webb1soc... said...

DOWNLOAD 30-30 ammunition Midway


webb1soc... said...

DOWNLOAD 30-30 ammunition Midway


.45 Peacemaker said...

Glock 40 I have your answer.

Charles B said...

The very limited ammo 30-30 as others have the 150 and 170 grain level, said. A small decline in grain and 125 is available LEVERution Hornaday is 160 grain.

W W D said...

Likely that what you saw, was 300 WinMag. Yes, the big manufacturers such as every 30 WCF, but CheaperThanDirt is a distributor and a little irregular in comparison with the inventory of houses often as Midway, Cabela's is Dave, etc. certainly are not always respected the diversity of dangerous.

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